This post is about my wonderful studio, which I've had for almost two years.
A couple of weeks ago I had a photo shoot with Eric Swanson, a photographer here who has a blog of artists in their studios. He's been taking photos like this since he was nineteen and he is good at it. I posted this photo of my studio on my Facebook page and people think I work in a space the size of an airplane hangar. Actually it's about 600 square feet, which is roomy but not overwhelmingly large, as it looks in the photo. All photos are copyright Eric Swanson.
Here's a photo of my keepsake wall. Some of these cards and photos I've had for a long time- a yellowed newspaper photo of a charred venetian blind from the World Trade Center, for instance, and a postcard a friend made from her own photo of the towers. I added a few cards recently.
Doilies from Chinatown in San Francisco, a white ink drawing on vellum from topographical map, a piece of intentionally crumpled paper.
Here I am about to squeegee. This was just for show, though. Last year I started experimenting with using squeegee and mica filled acrylic paint over photographs that were transferred to Japanese paper, then folded and cut. I often use the processes of printmaking in my work- this is from silkscreening, and causes a smear of paint that is hard to control, which I like. I'll do a few and pick the one I like best. The paper doesn't always like it- some fibers come along with the paint. But I like that too. There's a subtle sheen to the paper and a not so subtle metallic look to the paint.