Quandary: How to keep the house clean, the bills paid, the newspaper read, the meals cooked, the dog walked, and still make art. I wish I had a cleaning lady, a cook, and an assistant.
The assistant would clean up my computer files, put images into the right folders with the proper meta-data, so when I apply for things I have the information right there and I don't have to go look at my website to see the size of things, or wonder what the size of the file is. The other day I decided to begin the task of filing things properly in Adobe Bridge. This meant googling how to put the info in, which wasn't that obvious, but once I knew that and the keystroke shortcut, it didn't take long, at least for one group of images.
So I organized my NY Times pieces, and for each of them I have a large tiff, a large jpeg, and a medium jpeg. That should do it, I thought. But now the bad news: I lost one. Yes, somehow it has gone missing from my studio. I cleaned out every flat file drawer in case I had put it somewhere in haste, because the rest of them are where they are supposed to be, in a foam core folder in a drawer, carefully sandwiched with glassine. Could I have accidentally thrown it out? Preposterous. And yet- it's just not there.
I have work in a show right now in the Axle Contemporary Gallery, about which I posted a while back. I told Matthew about the missing art, and he said it's now in the collection of the Caja del Rio Landfill. Here it is, for posterity's sake:
Postscript: After all that angst, I checked my gallery's inventory sheet and to my surprise, this piece had been framed and sent to them. Confirming that I need an assistant, or at least, better filing. VERY happy to have located it, and at least my flat files are reorganized.