Last night you could really feel the change of seasons begin, as it's gotten chilly and that feeling you get when summer is over is in the air. The days are a little shorter, too. I've gotten pretty close to finishing the tile piece. Just a bit more on the right side and the top edge and I think it's done.
I'll be spending the next week and a half making some drawings and making more cyanotypes on kozo paper so I can colle them on large white sheets. The image is not too great, as I haven't lit things and the paper is a little warped on the wall (it is SO damp in the studios) but it gives a sense of what they look like. They're very pretty, I think. There's something about that blue. People ask if it's indigo- it has some of that sense of organic pigmentation.
I had a nice weekend with friends from CT. Ed Wright and his son Ben played a guitar concert at a cool little nonprofit performance space. (Click Ben's link for the MySpace page for one of his bands.) So the Rowayton crowd from Taos came down and we all had dinner and enjoyed the show. I lost my keys in the process and when I came back and called the RA, I had to wait for her to drive here from wherever she was, then the master key didn't open my room door. Luckily there was an empty room I could sleep in. I was worried because we have a $150 deposit on the keys (and room damage I suppose) but in the morning I called the restaurant where we had dinner and they had the keys. Small drama ending happily.
Wow, I REALLY like the way this piece is coming along. Large is new for you and it suits you :-)! I wish I could see it live.
i love the randomness of the tile pieces..sort of like the randomness of the blogs, which are wonderfully entertaining...
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